Linux GUI using FireMonkey ?

The FireMonkey framework (commonly abbreviated to FMX) allows cross platform development for Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android from the same code base (either Delphi or C++).

A very common question is “when is FireMonkey for Linux coming?”. Embarcadero are regularly asked this and their reply is always along the lines of “we are keeping an eye on it but at present the market place doesn’t make it worth while”.

Developing general purpose tools for Linux is challenging because there are so many different versions of Linux out there.

However one firm ARE promoting FireMonkey for Linux – using Delphi as the supported language.

Interested parties may like to take a look at FMX for Linux

Stick with one Editor

To many this may be obvious. But it’s amazing how many people use the editor that comes with each of their IDEs with the confusion that arises as a consequence of each editor supporting different “advanced” features and/or short cut keys etc.

The Embarcadero IDE editor is a good one. Having got to learn it “inside out” I now use it for all major program writing. For example when working with Freescale microcontroller C code I use the Embarcadero editor for all code creation and only use the Freescale “Codewarrior” IDE editor for quick fixes whilst in the debugger.