Android 64 bit compilation requirements – the future is secured !

Embarcadero have updated their road map to include Android 64 bit support for their C++ users. It is listed under “version 10.4.x – mid 2020”.

My last posting (22nd July 2019) suggested a short term work around for current C++ Android developers.

There has also been a 12 month extension granted by Android for Embarcadero C++ developers who have already got applications on the Google play store (this does not apply to new applications). Details are given here

Additional information is available here

This is good news for existing developers.

But the really good news is the appearance of the C++ for Android 64 bit in the road map. Embarcadero always restate that the road map is not binding but the reappearance of this product goal is an indication that they have realised this is an essential part of the C++ tool chain and it’s availability is vital to the survival of Embarcadero C++.

Go to the roadmap (as updated August 2019) by clicking here