RAD Studio 12.0 and GoogleTest Unit Testing Framework

There’s a lot of positive news for C++ users of Embarcadero RAD Studio 12.0.

However it seems that there is currently a problem with using the Clang compilers in RAD Studio 12.0 with the GoogleTest framework on getit. The version currently (Jan 2024) available does not build correctly.

I will monitor this situation and blog here as soon as Embarcadero have a working GoogleTest framework on getit.

Useful RAD Studio 12.0 Links

There’s been a lot of blogging and video stuff related to Embarcadero RAD Studio 12.0.

I thought it might be useful to post some links in a convenient place.

How to Create an Android App in RAD Studio 12.0

What can you do with RAD Studio 12

All the New Features

Marco Cantu’s Blog

RAD Studio 12.0 is Here

The next release for Embarcadero RAD Studio is version 12.0 and it is now available.

There are lots of changes for Delphi users but the key IDE improvement for C++ users is the integration of visual assist functions which make source code editing significantly more convenient.

You can learn more about this great new version (and down load a trial) here

Introduction to XML Mapper

As part of the Delphi Codeing Bootcamp I was delighted to be able to present a webinar introducing the powerful XML Mapper design tool that ships with Delphi / C++ Builder / RAD Studio.

An edited replay is available here: https://youtu.be/S4i0Vp-fQz8

RAD Studio 11.3 Now Available In Community Edition

For open source users and/or small start ups, the Community Edition has a generous set of license restrictions and as a result provides a good way of getting to use the Embarcadero tool chain.

Embarcadero have recently released a Community Edition of their latest (Alexandria 11.3) release.

The Delphi version is available at https://www.embarcadero.com/products/delphi/starter

The C++ version is available at https://www.embarcadero.com/products/cbuilder/starter

RAD Studio 11.1 – It’s Here !

Embarcadero’s release of 11.0 has not been a complete success. The complex issues involved in supporting high dpi resulted in one or two areas of the RAD Studio IDE not being entirely smooth in operation.

Behind the scenes the Embarcadero team have been working hard to resolve these issues. They have recently announced the coming release of a significant “quality improvement” release: version 11.1.

There is a webinar detailing the major items that have moved forward with 11.1 available at this link:

What’s coming in 11.1 webinar.

VCL Colour Indicators – Quick and Easy

I have my own VCL “LED indicator” component created using C++ Builder. It works well and I use it a lot in control systems projects to indicate things are on or off. I can select the colour of the “LED” at both design time and at run time as well as turning it off (which makes it grey).

But I had a small urgent job come up. The customer wanted the source code and the customer wanted some coloured indicators but in order to keep his costs down he didn’t want to buy my “LED indicator” component source code.

My solution was to use a TLabel component for each “indicator” and to make it’s size a square and to enter a single space character as the caption.

Then in my code I can update it by setting the colour of the TLabel component to what I need.

Here’s the code for the component from the form *.dfm file:

object DigOutLedIndicator: TLabel
Left = 71
Top = 82
Width = 20
Height = 20
AutoSize = False
Caption = ‘ ‘
Color = clNavy
ParentColor = False
Transparent = False

and here’s a simple C++ code snippet to show you how I change the colour to reflect an output state:

// in a header file somewhere….
const Graphics::TColor RemIOLedOffColour = clGray;
const Graphics::TColor RemIOLedOnColour = clSkyBlue;

// in C++ source code function…..
bool OutputIsOn = true; // actually comes from somewhere in the code
DigOutLedIndicator->Color = OutputIsOn ? RemIOLedOnColour : RemIOLedOffColour;

It all works well and is quick and easy ! It’s not as good as my “LED indicator” component (which is circular with a bezel and tiny reflection hint on the surface so it looks like an LED dome) but it does the job.

Free Learn To Code Week – Great for Students

If you want a chance to learn to code (or maybe pick up ideas about how to teach coding?) maybe this “Embarcadero Coding Summer Camp” which officially started yesterday is for you…..
